Rabu, 15 April 2015

Lagu Akhir Zaman

Inspirasi lirik lagu (bait pertama) ini saya ambil dari Matius 8:23 - 27; Markus 4:35 - 41 dan Lukas 8:22 - 25. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk menguatkan kita, dalam menghadapi keadaan akhir zaman saat ini.

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Angin Ribut Diredakan
(Matius 8:23 - 27; Markus 4:35 - 41; Lukas 8:22 - 25)
By: Yis

Angin taufan dahsyat datang mengamuk

Dan ombak masuk ke dalam p'rahu

Yesus yang tertidur dibangunkan-Nya

Muridnya berkata guru kita binasa

Dia lalu bangun menghardik angin itu

Berkata pada danau: " Diam! Tenanglah. "

Mengapa kamu takut, kamu kurang percaya

Tegur Yesus pada mereka

Semua jadi heran, siapakah orang ini

Kar'na angin dan danaupun taat

Ajar kuberkaca pada kisah-Mu

Ajar kupercaya kepada-Mu

Bahwa engkau juga 'kan menjagaku

Jauhkanlah rasa kuatir dari diriku

Kuharap Kau ulang menghardik keributan

Berkata pada dunia, diam! Tenanglah

Janganlah kita takut, b'lajar selalu percaya

Kar'na Tuhan beserta kita

Angkara murka dunia pasti akan berlalu

Kar'na Yesus lebih berkuasa

Puji Dia

English Version

Stilling of a Storm
(Matthew 8:23 - 27; Mark 4:35 - 41; Luke 8:22 - 25)
Music & Lyric by Yis
Lyric Translated by Sony A

As the storm run amok raging in the lake

Waves struck the boat to pull it to the deep

Jesus who fell asleep was beg to awake

Apostles said to Him Master surely we will die

Thus He rise from slumber to halt the raging tempest

He orders the raging lake to Hal! And be calm

Why were you so afraid for, have you got no faith in Me

Said Lord Jesus to His apostles

All the men become amaze wondering who this man is, 

For even gale and the lake obey Him

 Let me reflect and learn from all your stories 

Teach me to always believe in you Lord 

I believe that you will watching over me

 Help me to keep a way all the worry inside me 

I pray so that you will show your miracle a gain 

He orders the hectic world to halt! And be calm! 

Do not let us be afraid always believe in your faith 

because He is always be with us 

All the evil in this world will be perish in the end, 

because God is our only savior

Praise the Lord